Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fill in the blank Friday!

Happy Friday!!! I am looking forward to this weekend more than any other in quite a while. We have been short staffed at work and my boss decided that the two us have been working so hard that we could each work a short Friday (12 to 7) then off Sat Sun and Monday. And this week its my turn. I can't hardly wait! I am going to do nothing but lay by the pool, read, blog, and read your blogs. Monday we are going to Nashville Shores-I have free passes that need to be used before the end of the summer and I can't wait!!! I am such a big kid!

I am doing a new link up this week with Lauren at the little things we do for Fill in the Blank Friday.

1. My favorite color is pink and green!!! If I have to chose one over the other its pink of course, but they go hand in hand for me. As if you all don't already know that!

2. My travel destination of choice is St. Simons Island, GA. I was bummed to learn that part of my fam went without me last week, ok more like devastated, but Mom has promised to take me and one of my brothers back at the end of August. I cannot wait!!! I am way to broke to go on my own this year!!!

3. My favorite food is fried chicken and mashed potatoes. Like pink and green they go together, but besides watermelon they are my favorite food(s) hands down. I am a true Southern girl through and through.

4. My happy place is my home. Our home is my safe place and I adore every part of it. Our living room, bedrooms, bathroom, balcony, every piece has been carefully selected by us and it is my true home. I LOVE it.
5. My favorite saying is plain and simple: one day a time. This saying has gotten me through the hardest parts of my life and still helps me deal with hard stuff or when I feel like I am overwhelmed. Its incredible the power those words have over me.

6. My dirty little secret is I LOVE to sleep!!! You will find me in bed until at least 1 and maybe 2 on my first day off in a while. I get worn out working a bunch of days in a row and I am guilty of staying up way to late. I don't get off until 11 so that is kind of a good excuse :) I do try to get up early on my 2nd day off and in the summer so I have plenty of time by the pool.
7. Something friends might say about me is that I am trustworthy and dependable to a fault unless you cross me. I have been told MANY times that people are very happy to stay on my good side. Cross me or someone I love and you better watch out. I have a way with words :)

So glad I found this link up! If you join let me know, I love to learn more about everyone. I will be reading lots of blogs this weekend and writing away! If you are new to my blog let me know so I can check out yours. I hope you all have a fabulous Friday and weekend!!!

Happy Friday!



  1. What a fun post! Mashed potatoes are my favorite too!!

  2. Ha, I'm totally addicted to sleeping in that late too! Thanks for stopping by L, D, & MC!!


Thanks for making me smile!!! Your comments always do!!! xoxo, Sara